Leave & Absence

  • In this handbook one from has been provided concerning leave or Absence. Only these ought to be used, not letters, ;’LEAVE RECORD’ is meant to be used by parents/ guardians in case of a leave required for serious reason. The Handbook should be presented in the office that very day, well in time before attendance is taken: or else, the student will be marked ‘ABSENT by the teacher in case the absence fine becomes due.
  • A student who remains absent without getting the leave granted should, upon returning to the school, bring proper entry in the ABSENCE RECORD, without which on one shall be allowed in the class.
  • Longer leave must be applied for, by the parents personally one day in advance.
  • Absence of students from class for merely family/ social functions is entirely discouraged and the school does not hold itself responsible for a student who suffers in his daily progress on account of this.
  • NO leave will be granted on Examination days except for any grave reason, in which case, parents have to come personally and get it sanctioned.
  • Half-day leaves are not granted. In case, parents have to come and apply personally and take the ward along.