School Conduct At A Glance

  • The School Calendar should be brought to school daily without fail.
  • Students should come to school in complete school uniforms only, on all school days (including parents teachers meet ) .
  • Punctuality is a must and late comers will be suitably checked with corrective measures.
  • 90% attendance is a must for every student.
  • A pupil who uses unfair means during examinations will be given zero in the subject and repetition of same shell lead to dismissal.
  •  Parents/Guardians can meet the principal in his office from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m on all school working days.
  • It is compulsory for all students to participate in sports, games and other co-curricular activities of the school.
  • In case of accidents- school will provide only first Aid. Other related expenses will be borne by parents/ guardians.